Thursday, December 4, 2008


November, 2009

Again we come with incredible gratitude in our hears for all that God is doing in the great nation of Brazil. It seems that every time we go, we encounter different obstacles, but they only serve to increase the testimony of “overcoming” that Jesus empowers His Church to make – because of the power of His blood (Rev. 12:11).

We landed in Sao Paulo, where we had opportunity to visit the slum school project that has just begun. Our vision from the beginning has been national transformation through prayer and fasting. We fundamentally believe that from the place of prayer, God will give His heart for the nations. There will be a natural progression from spiritual intercession (prayer and fasting) to natural intercession (standing in the gap for the poor and the lost). When God’s tabernacle is established, it will affect the nation. As my husband likes to say, “Where God lands, He expands” :)

We went to Heliopolis (one of the largest slum in Latin America which has a population of about 120.000) to meet Pastor Dirceu and the kids he is working with there. Kelry Green has been working with Linda Bernardes to build high quality schools for the kids in the slums. They currently have 150 kids enrolled in school, and the number is rising all the time.

On the weekend, they had a big party for the Heliopolis kids and over 100 children accepted Christ.

Pastor Dirceu recounted the history of the work in Heliopolis, which began with a vision and donations from Heidi Baker. He told us that the king of the drug trafficking ring also helped him find land in the slum. At that point, I felt the Lord prompt me to ask Pastor Dirceu if we could go meet this man. We knew he was dangerous, because the police are not even allowed in this slum. There is no law and order except what he allows. Pastor Dirceu agreed to take us to his house. As we entered, 2 of his 11 wives were in the kitchen.

We introduced ourselves to the drug lord, thanked him for helping find land for Pastor Dirceu to feed the kids, and asked if we could pray for him. He seemed shocked at our boldness and disarmed by our friendliness, so he said okay. I asked if I could lay hands on him, and I knelt down and began to pray a prophetic prayer over him. The presence of the Lord came right in that drug lord’s house. By the time we left, there was a real heart connection and his wives served us coffee and gave us warm embraces and big smiles.


The next day we went to Curitiba, Brazil for a Solemn Assembly – a day of prayer and fasting, based on Joel 2:12-17. Black storm clouds threatened to destroy the outdoor prayer meeting. The newspapers and the radio and television stations were forecasting rain all day, but we prayed the prayer of Elijah (James 5:17), and the Lord supernaturally held back the rain. The only time it rained was at the high point of the whole day.

This was when a major Brazilian leader, Rene Terra Nova, who is the leader of a movement which has grown to 7 million people in 7 years, led in repentance to all of the other pastors of the city and nation. One cannot underscore the significance of a leader of this magnitude coming to repent for his part in bringing division to the Church in Brazil. When Rene Terra Nova finished preaching on unity and repenting for division, the other pastors gathered around him and took oil and basins and washed his feet. It was so beautiful. The presence of God descended, the rain fell for about 20 minutes solid, and the tears of God’s joy at the unity of His Body washed away division at that moment.

Corey Russell and Allen Hood came from Kansas City to bring impartation for the House of Prayer. While there Allen had a powerful dream about God giving a KEY to the Jacob generation (Psalm 24:6), and the morning after he had the dream, Corey Russell woke up and found a key inside of his shoe! They both are looking forward to coming back with us next year and release the vision for the house of prayer to thousands of leaders in the nation.
God is moving in a powerful way and incredible doors are being opened. We feel so honored to be part of what He is doing and to see the beginning stages of a national transformation. Thank you all for your prayers.

Bless you,

Stacey Campbell