Thursday, December 4, 2008


November, 2009

Again we come with incredible gratitude in our hears for all that God is doing in the great nation of Brazil. It seems that every time we go, we encounter different obstacles, but they only serve to increase the testimony of “overcoming” that Jesus empowers His Church to make – because of the power of His blood (Rev. 12:11).

We landed in Sao Paulo, where we had opportunity to visit the slum school project that has just begun. Our vision from the beginning has been national transformation through prayer and fasting. We fundamentally believe that from the place of prayer, God will give His heart for the nations. There will be a natural progression from spiritual intercession (prayer and fasting) to natural intercession (standing in the gap for the poor and the lost). When God’s tabernacle is established, it will affect the nation. As my husband likes to say, “Where God lands, He expands” :)

We went to Heliopolis (one of the largest slum in Latin America which has a population of about 120.000) to meet Pastor Dirceu and the kids he is working with there. Kelry Green has been working with Linda Bernardes to build high quality schools for the kids in the slums. They currently have 150 kids enrolled in school, and the number is rising all the time.

On the weekend, they had a big party for the Heliopolis kids and over 100 children accepted Christ.

Pastor Dirceu recounted the history of the work in Heliopolis, which began with a vision and donations from Heidi Baker. He told us that the king of the drug trafficking ring also helped him find land in the slum. At that point, I felt the Lord prompt me to ask Pastor Dirceu if we could go meet this man. We knew he was dangerous, because the police are not even allowed in this slum. There is no law and order except what he allows. Pastor Dirceu agreed to take us to his house. As we entered, 2 of his 11 wives were in the kitchen.

We introduced ourselves to the drug lord, thanked him for helping find land for Pastor Dirceu to feed the kids, and asked if we could pray for him. He seemed shocked at our boldness and disarmed by our friendliness, so he said okay. I asked if I could lay hands on him, and I knelt down and began to pray a prophetic prayer over him. The presence of the Lord came right in that drug lord’s house. By the time we left, there was a real heart connection and his wives served us coffee and gave us warm embraces and big smiles.


The next day we went to Curitiba, Brazil for a Solemn Assembly – a day of prayer and fasting, based on Joel 2:12-17. Black storm clouds threatened to destroy the outdoor prayer meeting. The newspapers and the radio and television stations were forecasting rain all day, but we prayed the prayer of Elijah (James 5:17), and the Lord supernaturally held back the rain. The only time it rained was at the high point of the whole day.

This was when a major Brazilian leader, Rene Terra Nova, who is the leader of a movement which has grown to 7 million people in 7 years, led in repentance to all of the other pastors of the city and nation. One cannot underscore the significance of a leader of this magnitude coming to repent for his part in bringing division to the Church in Brazil. When Rene Terra Nova finished preaching on unity and repenting for division, the other pastors gathered around him and took oil and basins and washed his feet. It was so beautiful. The presence of God descended, the rain fell for about 20 minutes solid, and the tears of God’s joy at the unity of His Body washed away division at that moment.

Corey Russell and Allen Hood came from Kansas City to bring impartation for the House of Prayer. While there Allen had a powerful dream about God giving a KEY to the Jacob generation (Psalm 24:6), and the morning after he had the dream, Corey Russell woke up and found a key inside of his shoe! They both are looking forward to coming back with us next year and release the vision for the house of prayer to thousands of leaders in the nation.
God is moving in a powerful way and incredible doors are being opened. We feel so honored to be part of what He is doing and to see the beginning stages of a national transformation. Thank you all for your prayers.

Bless you,

Stacey Campbell

Friday, November 28, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

misty's song...

We say to the One who was slain,
"You have proven Your love,
And You have shown us, shown us
That You can be trusted."

So take the scroll and open
And open, and open the seals
We trust You, Jesus
And we want you to come back
So take the scroll and open the seals
So take the scroll and open the seals

I can hear the rhythm
of the Lion of the tribe of Judah

He's doing a new thing
So we're singing a new song

He's not a baby in a manger anymore
He's not a broken man on a cross
He didn't stay in the grave
And He's not staying in heaven forever!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wholehearted love is the duty and bliss of the marriage state in every case, but especially so in this lofty mystic marriage. The church must forsake all others and cleave to Jesus only, or she will not please him nor enjoy the full manifestation of his love. What less can he ask, what less may she dare propose than to be wholly his? Jesus sees a beauty in his church, a beauty which he delights in most when it is not marred by worldliness. He has always been most near and precious to his saints when they have cheerfully taken up his cross and followed him without the camp. His Spirit is grieved when they mingle themselves among the people and learn their ways. No great and lasting revival of religion can be granted us till the professed lovers of Jesus prove their affection by coming out from an ungodly world, being separated, and touching not the unclean thing. For he is thy Lord; and worship thou him. -Charles Spurgoen

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

DAYS OF FIRE by Stacey Campbell

Days of Fire

It is very clear that we have entered a new spiritual season. Just as summer turns to fall in the natural, so in the Spirit there are different “times and seasons.” Jesus castigated the Pharisees for being able to forecast the weather, but being completely unable to tell what was going on in the Spirit.

And [Jesus] was also saying to the crowds, ‘”When you see a cloud rising in the west, immediately you say, ‘A shower is coming,’ and so it turns out. And when you see a south wind blowing, you say, ‘It will be a hot day,’ and it turns out that way. You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and sky, but why do you not analyze this present time?” Luke 12:54-56 NASB)

So the question is, “How should we analyze this present time?” I find myself vacillating between great faith and grave concern from day to day. The global season we are entering will not be fixed quickly, no matter who becomes the next President of the United States. The leader the Americans choose will exacerbate or mitigate the issues that are coming at us in this hour of history, but the leader cannot stop the process that has already begun. It is imperative that we discern what God is doing in North America now, so that as the Church, we are building new wineskins for the a time of fire. It is believers who must give leadership as the days of fire manifest.
When John the Baptist prophesied about Jesus, he foresaw that Jesus would bring two distinct baptisms, which would manifest in different seasons.

Now while the people were in a state of expectation and all were wondering in their hearts about John, as to whether he was the Christ, John answered and said to them all. “As for me, I baptize you with water; but One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into his barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Luke 3:15-17 NASB)

If we follow through with when these two baptisms occurred, we will see that they were for two different purposes and were primarily lived out in two different spiritual seasons. Jesus began His ministry when the Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove. This was His baptism in the Holy Spirit. The very first miracle Jesus performed after this, according to John 2:12, was the miracle of changing the water into wine. This is significant because in Acts 2, baptism of the Spirit is compared to being drunk with wine. Jesus’ first miracle saw the shift from water to wine, from the baptism of John to the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then Jesus moves into a 3-year season of unprecedented miracles, with large crowds following Him most everywhere He went.
Interestingly, the ministry of the Church also began with the baptism of the Spirit in Acts 2 – a baptism likened unto wine, manifested in the disciples appearing drunk. Peter’s explanation is that they were “filled with the Spirit.” Notably, this baptism of the Spirit was also a season of wine, followed by an incredible outpouring of miracles and salvations.
But in the life of Jesus, the baptism of the Spirit preceded the baptism of fire. The baptism of the Spirit inaugurated a season of power and miracles. It was a season of wine – of joy and the power of God’s presence. But as the ‘wine wears off,’ so to speak, Jesus begins to talk about what the baptism of fire will look like:

I have come to cast fire upon the earth and how I wish it were already kindled. But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is accomplished! Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. (Luke 12:49-53 NASB)

Again, both in the life of Jesus and in the life of the Early Church, the subsequent baptism of fire did not look anything like what the season of wine looked like. The days of fire were marked by division, persecution, and great sifting. In the days of fire, Jesus takes out His winnowing fork and begins to “thoroughly clear His threshing floor.” The baptism of fire is when all of the chaff is burned up in unquenchable fire as the Consuming Fire searches the hearts of men. It is a refining time, where He purifies His bride, removing the spots and wrinkles, burning up the wood, the hay and the stubble till only pure gold remains.

In the past few years, the contemporary Church has also experienced a season of wine. A global outpouring of the Spirit, manifested in laughter, drunkenness, miracles and myriad salvations hit the earth for a lengthy season. But the times are changing. The miracles will not cease – they will, in fact, increase, but the days of fire are now upon us. In Jesus’ life, fire signified a very painful time, but even so, it was the days of fire that Jesus longed for. He wished for this purifying fire to be kindled. He was distressed until the baptism of fire was accomplished. He wanted it to happen and He was not afraid of it. This is the attitude that we must all cultivate in this hour. We must wish for the fire to burn us, to refine and sift the wheat from the chaff in our personal lives, as well as in the Church worldwide. Undoubtedly this sifting will manifest in division, because that is what Jesus said the fire would do. Fire does not bring peace, but division, to even the closest of relationships (Luke 12:52-53).

The season of fire will see a new wineskin emerge that is made to hold fire, not wine. Unquestionably, therefore, the prayer movement will be at the forefront of the next global move of God. Only those who can stay awake in their Gesthemanes will endure this season without faltering. We must enter into the labor of prayer. Even though we may deeply understand intimacy with God, this is no guarantee that we will endure the days of fire. John the Beloved knew intimacy, but he fell asleep at the time of prayer, and as a result even he stumbled along with the other disciples, leaving Jesus and fleeing naked in His hour of fire (Mark 14:50, 51). The only one who stayed awake in the prayer meeting was the only one who “endured to the end” (ie: Jesus Himself). This is a lesson to all of us. The days ahead will not look like the days we have already lived. The season has changed. And we must change with it. We must build wineskins that can “take the heat.”

Those who have prepared their hearts will emerge in this season as burning men. A whole new type of leader is being prepared to be at the forefront of the season of fire.

(Heb 1:7 AMP) Referring to the angels He says, [God] Who makes His angels winds and His ministering servants flames of fire; [Ps. 104:4.]

There are burning men and burning women who have prepared their hearts in prayer to lead in overcoming faith while whole nations are catapulted into fear and chaos. Last year, I prophesied that “the god of Mammon would fall in North America in 2008.” God, whose name is Jealous, will ensure that He alone is our source and prove that His grace is sufficient for us all. The ministers of fire will deeply understand this because they are already completely set apart and burning, ready to bring the answer in the middle of the sifting, division and rampant fear in this hour. Those who only know part of God may be confused, especially as things in the natural disintegrate in 2009. Prepare your heart now because terror is about to strike the hearts of men like never before. A convergence of an even greater level of economic crisis, natural disaster and terrorist attacks are set to hit North America. God promised that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. We must remember that the God who baptizes us with His Spirit (wine) is the same God who baptizes us with fire. He is immutable, immortal, and the only wise God. He knows what He is doing. He will never, ever leave us or forsake us. But He will divide us based on what is in our hearts. He will purify us till nothing but gold remains. Remember, “all things work together for our good.” It will be in the place of prayer that we will find understanding, courage and overcoming power to make sense of this season.

When Jesus sends out his disciples in Matthew 10, three times in 6 verses he says, “Do not fear.” Faith comes from the Word of God, and as we pray the Bible, faith will rise to both endure and overcome in the days of fire. God is good . . . all the time. In every season, He is both our example and source. So, fix your eyes on Jesus to prepare to lead others to understand the days of fire. Set yourself apart to prepare a new wineskin in your personal life for this new and very different season. The container for these times has to structure itself along what Jesus said the Church should look like: “A house of prayer for all nations.”  In other words, prayer must be at the forefront of an apostolic wineskin (Acts 6:4) for nations right now.  Ministries must shift their emphases to put prayer at the center of what they are doing – whole blocks of prayer during the week, led by the leaders of ministries. When increase comes – both of good and bad – leaders delegate all other functions so they can give themselves to prayer and the ministry of the word (Acts 6:4). Prayer must become a focal point to keep our hearts awake, on fire, and not failing for fear.

In prayer, God will reveal the solutions for your spheres of influence. If you prepare your heart, He will give you the overcoming revelation for yourself and all those around you. Get close to God. Look into His eyes of fire. And let your heart burn as His fiery presence comes a little closer. In the words of John the Beloved, 
Even so, come . . .” (Rev. 22:20 KJV).

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

God I will seek you until I see You Face to Face... I'm so hungry to know you. When I wake up the hunger is there. I try to fill it. I pray. I read my bible. I seek You. I go to sleep and when I wake up the hunger is there even more. You are always on my mind. I long for you. I Know nothing will ever satisfy this longing but You. I'm yours. My heart is yours. I belong to you. I was truly made to behold You all the days of my life. I want see You and my flesh cry out to know You. To really know you! God come do whatever it takes just come. Only You will ever fulfill this desire. I must see You God. I must see you.

One thing I desire, that will I seek...


Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm loving reading this book!

drama-filled portrait of a man of compassion entirely surrendered to God. Revivalist, healer, and intercessor, many believe Howells and his band of college student-intercessors helped turn the tide of WWII.

Rees Howells was a man peculiarly taught of God: one who learned the Bible as the Spirit made him live it. Every chapter in this biography is full of drama and light, showing how he faced the implications of an entire surrender to God, learned to love the unlovely, found the key to prevailing prayer, became the channel of a mighty revival in Africa, was taught the principle of divine healing, and progressed even further in faith to the point where world events (WWII) were affected by his prayers.

The chapters on WWII are absolutely gripping. God spoke to Howells on numerous occasions as to the eventual fates of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. His public statements in that regard are eerily accurate looked at now in view of the historical record. In the late 1930’s he called his little Bible College of Wales to intercede for the war effort. For years on end Howells and his students prayed from seven in the evening until midnight, never once missing a day. This was in addition to an hour’s prayer meeting every morning, and very often at midday. There were also many special periods when every day was given up wholly to prayer and fasting. As the Nazis poured through Europe, the College stood daily before God. Some today believe that this little Bible college was used mightily by God to actually turn the tide of the war.

This book contains a bevy of rich truths for all the church today. The story of Howells is told with simplicity, humanity and humor such as to captivate any reader. Quite simply the story is exhilarating.

Rees Howells Intercessor by Norman Grubb

Monday, September 8, 2008

Father, I pray that we will know Your Love. Help us Father to know your LOVE for us. We don't want to just know Your love in our heads. We want to truly know Your love. We want feel your embrace. We want to know true unconditional Love; know that even when we make mistakes you still Love us and that your love for us will never change.
Thank you Father that You are the true answer for this Fatherless generation. Thank you God that you don't love us for what we can give you. You love us for who we are and that comforts me.
Father, I know you Love me, but I need to know that in greater and deeper way... Please Lord, hold me in your arms and don't let me go. I love you Father with everything in me.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I don't know how, to say what i'm feeling.
I don't have words, to write you a song.
But i have this hope and i have this prayer,
and i am believing.

Your words are true,
you never leave us alone.

father of the fatherless, come down and rescue us
we need you, we need you again
friend of the friendless, come down and visit us,
we need you, we need you again
how many sons, have cried for their fathers.
and how many fathers, have cried like a son
now every tear saved through the years in memory's bottle
becomes the fine wine, You serve to the children of God

Monday, August 25, 2008


Matthew 7:24-25 “Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: 25 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

The person who builds His life living out Matthew 5-7 the Sermon on the Mount is the one who is wise. I believe that every one of us will have wind, storms and floods coming against us. The storms and floods speak of trials that we all go through in life. But if we embrace the lifestyle that Jesus teaches us on the Sermon on the Mount we will prevail against those storms of life.

Matthew 7:25-26 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

Those who hear His Word and do not do what He says are building upon a foundation of sand. When we don’t live out this reality we are building our lives on a foundation of sand. When great storms come against us, the question will be, “What foundation have we built our lives upon? Sand or Rock.

I pray that you and I will have the grace to live out the values of His Kingdom. Lord give us the grace to identify the areas of compromise in our own hearts, so that we can truly embrace YOUR values. All the riches of this life are nothing compared to You. I pray that my generation and I will live our lives only for the pleasures of GOD. YOUR Kingdom come Your will be done in our lives as it is in heaven in Jesus name. Amen!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

God is looking for a loyal heart

2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."

When God looks across the whole earth there is one quality that God is looking for above all others. God is looking for Loyalty and once He finds a loyal heart He shows Himself strong and does incredible things on earth.

There are some words that when I hear them it moves my heart so deeply and loyalty is one of them. I have been meditating on this for a while now and praying that my heart will be fully loyal to Him. Loyalty is a quality that Heaven esteems and rewards.

When people are loyal to me I never forget. And when you are loyal to God in the midst of a dark hour of your soul, when you throw yourself upon His faithfulness in the midst of great pain, choosing to love Him with everything in you God never forgets it. Your loyalty to Him will carry through the generations.

David was a loyal man. A man after God's own heart. And because of his loyalty to God, his successive generations were blessed. There were times that God was inclined to judge the people because of their sins but then He would remember His covenant with David and relent...

Another great example of loyalty in the bible is Jonathan
1 Samuel 18:1,3-4 "Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. 3 Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul. 4 And Jonathan took off the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, even to his sword and his bow and his belt.

This is so powerful Jonathan knew that David was going to be the next King and not him and even knowing that he gave his heart to David to the point of risking his own life. "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay down his life [literally, "his soul"] for his friend."
Jonathan saw the nobility that was in David and he gave everything that he had away. Jonathan's loyalty to David was never forgotten. After Jonathan's death David asks his servant if there were any heirs of Jonathan's and his servant informs him of Mephibosheth. David immediately called for him and received him as one of his own.
Jonathan demonstrated a loyalty to David that was so powerful that it still speaks to us today.

I truly believe that God is using this age to prepare us for the age to come. God is looking for hearts that will be loyal to Him and to His friends. Our loyalty here on earth is just a test for the life to come and the way we respond in this life will prepare us for the eternal city where the value of loyalty (perfect love) cannot be taken away.

Much love in Jesus,
kelry Green

Friday, July 11, 2008



The Lord has opened doors of extraordinary favor in the nation of Brazil. We seem to have hit a sovereign time frame, where virtually every leader we talk to has opened their hearts and ministries to the vision of TheCall.

On June 30th, 2008 we were able to hold a Solemn Assembly in the government buildings of the nation’s capitol city of Brasilia. From the moment we entered the building, a spirit of repentance was there. For 11 hours, Brazilians wept over the sins of their nation. Many government officials came. Although the President of Brazil was unable to come, he sent a personal letter thanking us for the invitation. Major church leaders came and laid before the Lord for hours at a time. Everyone who was there said they had never been part of anything like it and we all noticed the spiritual shift. It was prophesied that the ungodly foundations were being replaced with the revelation of Jesus Christ as the cornerstone.

A very incredible opportunity was given to us to do a significant prophetic act during the day. A Christian in the military asked for a police/military helicopter to be given to us so we could fly over the city and pour wine, oil and grain (signifying the blood of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit and harvest) at key junctions of the city. Two days earlier, a Brazilian prophet went to the Chief of Police to get permission for the helicopter. He prophesied over the Chief of Police (who was not a Christian), and the power of God fell on him and he fell shaking and speaking in tongues on the floor. He became a Christian on the spot and several other police officers who were watching also got touched by the power of God. Needless to say, he gave permission for a free military helicopter with two pilots. So, in the middle of the Solemn Assembly, Kelry, Stacey and the aforementioned prophet’s wife got in the police helicopter with the Christian military person who opened the door to the military and police for us. As we flew over the city, she hung out of the helicopter and poured wine, oil, and grain at 4 key junctures. As we were flying home, the unsaved helicopter pilot noted that we had flown in the shape of the cross over the city.

While in the air, occupying the place where the prince of the power air (Ephesians 2:2), we prophesied the breaking up of ungodly foundations and interceded for a new generation of overcoming believers to arise in Brazil. It was incredibly powerful.

When we returned to the Solemn Assembly, the leaders were moving in a spirit of repentance that was deep and genuine. The spirit of prayer was there the entire 11 hours.

The significance of the day was felt immediately. The following day, Gustavo Paiva one of the leaders of the call brasilia, went to a highschool where he had been ministering. He preached and did an altar call and the entire highschool gave their lives to Jesus. 400 kids received Christ as their Savior, with only three students in the whole high school refusing to become Christians. Yeah God!!!! A new generation is arising on the earth!


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

"The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him..."

Psalm 25:14 says " The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant."

I have been meditating on this verse... I really believe that there are prophetic mensagers that God is raising up right now on earth that when they prophecy the fear of the Lord will accompany the word of the Lord. There is a time coming when the words will have that weight on them. When the proclaimer's prophecy is not going to be like, "is this God or not" but it will come with thunder, like hammer. I believe that the Lord is truly drawing His people to a place of fasting and prayer and in that place He will put His thunder in their mouth, and when they speak the Lord will thunder. True authority from heaven will back up their words and the atmosphere will be filled with the fear of the Lord.... It is coming...Let it be Lord let it be in Jesus name amen!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rejecting Revenge, Rwandans Embrace Forgiveness—the Heart of their Nation's Revival

"People were so badly aggrieved they could easily have turned on those they thought were responsible for this and actually killed them in another wave of killings. But that did not happen . . . we said building a nation is the most important thing." -President Paul Kagame of Rwanda

(Rwanda, Africa)—In an amazing story of a nation resurrected after the devastating atrocity of genocide, Rwanda has risen up as a model to the rest of the world, of the healing power of forgiveness.

CNN's Christiane Amanpour interviews a victim, her family's killer [she's forgiven him], and the president whose inspired plan of reconciliation has averted another plunge into violence in revenge of those heartlessly murdered.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame (whose own family was slaughtered) explained to CNN that it was a conscious choice Rwandans had to make to forgive those responsible, and move on in the renewal of their country. (CNN Video)

"We were in danger of having another genocide," said Kagame. "People were so badly aggrieved they could easily have turned on those they thought were responsible for this and actually killed them in another wave of killings. But that did not happen." Averting an outpouring of vengeance, President Kagame instituted the "Gacaca process"—where the genocide masterminds and worst perpetrators of the violence were sent to jail, but those thousands of lower-level killers were allowed to confess and ask forgiveness publicly before their victims' families and the court.

"In the Gacaca court, I told them how we killed our fellow men, and I asked for forgiveness in front of the court, and the whole district was there," explained Bizimana, one of those convicted of genocidal murder.

Hard as it was, Rwandan victims chose to forgive, and the healing of their nation began.

Iphigenia Mukantabana, whose husband and children were killed by Bizimana, said of the reconciliation process, "It has not just helped me, it has helped all Rwandans because someone comes and accepts what he did and he asks for forgiveness from the whole community—from all Rwandans." (CNN Video)

She added, "I am a Christian, and I pray a lot."

Today, a basket weaving program—where the U.S.-based Macy's department store buys baskets from Rwandans who make them—is helping to restore a sense of security and entrepreneurship.

Rwanda is now an inspiring example of not just the rebirth of a country, but also an example of the cleanliness and health that can be achieved in a community working together. The African nation has one of the lowest crime rates, as well as the lowest rate of HIV-AIDS. According to the CNN report, plastic bags are banned there, and even members of the government must participate in a monthly clean up.

In addition to the plan of reconciliation, citizens are no longer known as either Hutu or Tutsis—there are only Rwandans. Summing up his country's renewal success in the face of great tragedy, President Kagame added,"We said building a nation is the most important thing."

Source: Christiane Amanpour –

Monday, May 12, 2008

Song of Solomon 5

Song of Solomon 5:2 "I sleep, but my heart is awake;
It is the voice of my beloved! 
He knocks, saying,“ Open for me, my sister, my love, 
My dove, my perfect one; For my head is covered with
My locks with the drops of the night.” 
My dear friend Martha and I were leading a worship set at the
 prayer room together the other day and the presence of
 God was so strong.  She sang out of Song of Solomon
5. It reminded me of an encounter that I had with
the Lord in January.  It touched my heart in a very
 deep way...  After a long season of intense pain and 
not understanding what was happening to me the Lord spoke out of Song of Solomon 5. In that moment clarity 
and revelation came...It was one the most beautiful 
days of my life. I sobbed for hours. If you have never 
read Song of Solomon 5 please read it and mediate on 
it.  This passage can shift the way you interpret your
 life circumstances.... In the passage her Beloved
 invites her into the dark night and she arises and
 goes into the night. But she can't see Him and she 
can't hear His voice.  She is crying out and she is 
looking for Him, but she can't find Him. Song of
 Solomon 5:6 "I opened for my beloved, But my beloved
 had turned away and was gone”. My heart leaped up when 
he spoke. I sought him, but I could not find him; I
 called him, but he gave me no answer." 
She keeps going and looking for Him. Then the watchmen
 found her and struck her and wounded her.  They took
 her veil from her.  I love this part.  Even though she 
is wounded and bruised she doesn't loose sight.  She
 was committed and in Love Song of Solomon 5:8 " I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, If you find my beloved, That you tell him I am lovesick!"

The Lord spoke to me on that day and He said in the 
most gentle way, "I was the One who called you into
 the night". When He said that I was chocked, but my
 heart was so full of gratitude... I thought it was the 
enemy that was behind everything I was going through,
but it was the Lord.  He is the One who called me into the 
night because of Love. The whole time He was using 
everything that was happening to bring me into a place 
of intimacy and revelation. He said to me, "I want you
 to know me in a much deeper and more intimate way than 
you have ever known me before".
I believe that Song of Solomon 5 is linked with 
Philippians 3:10 Many times I prayed that "I may 
know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the 
fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His 
death." I think I have never really understood what 
it meant to fellowship with Him in His suffering being
 conformed to his death. Suffering is still something 
that I'm honestly scared of, but I'm realizing even more now 
that Jesus is so looking for friends that will walk 
one hour with Him in the garden.  
Friends that will feel the affliction that He felt. I believe that if we truly embrace the dark hour of a season of pain and 
keep our eyes on Him... We will come out and we will 
have, like the Shulamite, the most wonderful 
revelation of His beauty.....
Song of Solomon  5: 16 "His mouth is most sweet, Yes,
he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, And this
is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem!" 

Bless you all,


Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Jesus I love you. I trust in your faithfulness for you are faithful and you never change. My confidence is in your faithfulness not in my faithfulness...
Thank you Jesus for this season. I know something is changing in me. It is changing in this nation, in my nation, and in the nations of the earth. I can feel that there is a shift, something huge is happening... Lord I pray for greater grace to seek You in this season and that I will not settle for anything less than Your face. Blessed are the poor, mournful, meek, thirsting and hungering for righteousness, pure in heart, peacemakers, those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. Lord I pray that I will fully embrace this and I will be found a blessed one...
I need You Jesus... Thank you for your love. Thank you for fighting my battles... Sometimes they feel hard and unbearable and in some ways it seems like no one understands, but You do and that comforts me. I know that YOU are greater so much greater than all the principalities and powers together. Help me to continually meditate on the things that give me strength. When I'm looking at You I'm never afraid. I pray that my gaze will be set upon YOU every moment of my day. Thank you Jesus that you know me better than I know myself. You know my heart, my mistakes, my dreams...Thank you for your everlasting love even when it is expressed in discipline. Lord I pray that I will continue to learn from my mistakes and will continue to press on that I may attain. Your face is my prize... Jesus in twenty years from now I still want to weep when I read Your word. I still want to worship you with passion with everything in me .... Give me the grace Jesus to truly run this race with my eyes staring at yours.... Smiling at You as You smile over us...
I love You Jesus with everything in me.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today was such a beautiful day here. After I left the prayer room I got to go to the beach with a friend of mine. It was a really nice sunny day. I love the beach. God really speaks to me through nature...
Below are some pictures that I took today in one of mine and my husband's favorite places.

Much love :)!

Monday, April 28, 2008

John 13:34  "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
I'm convinced that there is no way we will be able to live the Sermon on The Mount if our hearts are not completely motivated by Love.
When Jesus commanded us to love one another He did not leave us without a model. He said "Love one another as I have loved you"
Jesus says in Matthew 5:43 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
Most people like to love those that love them and ignore those who do not love them... But He said in Matthew 5:46 "If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?"
And love is not an external thing it is internal, it is from the inside out. Sometimes we can look kind, patient, and loving on the outside because the Bible says that love is patient love is kind. But inside that is not a reality ... God has strong emotions towards us, deep burning passion for us He loves with strong affection. And He said " love one another as I have loved you"
Maybe you are saying it is impossible for me to love my enemies and do good to those who hurt me in that way. I agree it is impossible for us to love our enemies in our own strength. We need to truly experience His love and emotions towards us in a deep way to be able to love. I pray that the Love of God will explode in your heart and mine in a supernatural way as you are reading this blog. I pray that we will respond to His call to love from the inside out. He died for those who hated Him, who lied about Him, falsely accused Him....He loved in such a way that He sacrificed His only life... His love took Him to the Cross. I believe true love is going to take us to the Cross.
John 15:13 " Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command.....17 This is my command: Love one another."
We were made for love to flow in and flow out. This is the way that our hearts stay alive! He wired us to love one another in that way in completely selflessness. If we are not living that reality we will never be happy...
When love motivates us nothing can stop us. The great reality of the Sermon on the Mount is to be found alive in love, to be free from fear, and completely abandoned in love...

Below are some quotes on Love By Mother Theresa:

"I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other."

“We have not come into the world to be numbered; we have been created for a purpose; for great things: to love and be loved.”

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle (meek) and lowly (humble) in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

I love these verses. . . I was meditating on them today as I talked with my sister. I love Jesus ways . . . Here He is saying, "if you are weary, and your heart is burdened, take My yoke upon you because I am gentle and lowly and you will find rest for your souls."

It strikes me that if you embrace humility and gentleness, it will take all strife from your hearts. Here is a key to rest . . . His yoke is the yoke of meekness. We can get so worried about what people think of us and try so hard to make sure we find acceptance that we fail to get under the yoke of meekness. This yoke looks like this: When all is said and done, all that really matters is that I'm right and pleasing in God's eyes. If we want greatness in His eyes, it takes putting on His yoke of meekness and being a servant of all in this life as He was.

Lord I pray that I will live my life not for myself but before your eyes... Your kingdom come and Your will be done in my life . . .
I pray that we will embrace this and that we will truly give ourselves to servanthood by serving all and specially those who cannot give us anything in return!


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hello everyone :),

This will be my online journal. I'm having a lot of things stirring in my heart and I think this is a good way to get my thoughts out :)I want to start this blog with a word that God gave me a couple of months ago....
After God showed me this visions. I felt led to really study the Sermon on the Mount and mediate on every verse.
The more I read Matthew 5-7 the more I realize how much we as a body of Christ desperately need to return
to the foundation of Christianity... Jesus we need you!!! make us more like You. Please Jesus make me more like You...


Two Different Visions of Running the Race

Recently, God spoke powerfully to me in two visions involving two groups of people. In the first vision, I saw a company of people running a race. Their faces shined like the sun. As I gazed upon them, I had a strong sense of God's presence. It was so powerful. The Lord then let me feel the hearts of these people. Their hearts were full of peace and joy. Then, the scene suddenly changed to the second vision.

In the second vision, I saw another company of people who were also running a race. This group of people were a little different from the first one. They were always looking around them as they ran. They looked to their left and to their right, as well as behind them. They ran swiftly and most of them were smiling. Then the Lord let me see their hearts. I did not feel their emotions at first, but then I felt an intense pain in them. As I looked, I could see their hearts were bleeding.

I asked God, "Who are these people?" Immediately, 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 was impressed upon my heart: "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown."

Then God spoke to me, "The first company of people you saw was running the race for the 'imperishable crown.' They accept and experience My unconditional love daily. They love Me with all of their heart, mind, soul and strength. They understand that they are sons and daughters and not orphans. They live a lifestyle of loving selflessly, seeking meekness, thirsting and hungering for righteousness, and are poor in spirit. They have an understanding of their eternal inheritance. They relate to Me with the same intimacy with which My Son Jesus relates to Me.

The second group you saw was running the race for the 'perishable crown'--the crown that man can give them. While they smile on the outside, they really hurt on the inside. They compete with each other and live striving for man's acceptance. They are not orphans, but they have an orphan mentality. Not believing that they have the promised inheritance, they fight for all they can get in this life. Men crown them often, but every crown that man crowns them with only decays. There is no eternal significance. I love them with everlasting love. I long to spend time with them. I want to heal their hearts, but they are running so hard for the perishable reward that they do not make time to spend time with Me and receive My love, kindness, and acceptance towards them."

He continued to speak to me, saying, "I'm raising up a company of people in the nations of the earth that will not run the race for the perishable crown, but for the imperishable crown--the one that will last forever. I'm the One who gives the crown that does not fade."

Right after this, I felt led to look up the rewards that were given to those who "overcome" in the seven Churches in Revelation, chapters two and three. These rewards are imperishable. They can never decay. Below is a list of these seven Churches, along with the rewards due to those in these Churches who overcome:

Ephesus--the tree of life.
Smyrna--the crown of life.
Pergamum--hidden manna, and a stone with a new name.
Thyatira--rule over nations, and receive morning star.
Sardis--faithful, honored, and clothed in white.
Philadelphia--a place in God's presence, a new name, and the new Jerusalem.
Laodicea--share Christ's throne.

All the rewards are imperishable and will never decay!

Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 9:26, "Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty."

Uncertain runners run without a vision of the reward. They cannot envision the finish line. On the other hand, those who run with certainty, hold a picture of eternity in their hearts. Can you imagine what it would be like if the entire Body of Christ ran their race with certainty? If our minds and hearts were set on the reward that is imperishable, we would live with steadfast focus in this life, rejecting the lust of the flesh and the spirit of this age.

What would it be like if the whole Body of Christ were to live in obedience, faithful to the voice of God, embracing the lifestyle of the Sermon on the Mount, loving selflessly, praying without ceasing, giving freely, seeking meekness, fasting, blessing those who persecute us, turning the other cheek, humbling ourselves--this is a passionate dream of God's heart!

Lord, I pray that You draw us out of the temporal into a revelation of what is eternal. I pray that the eternity You have written on our hearts will shout to our consciousness. Help us, God, to live our lives in obedience and faithfulness to You all the days of our lives. Lord, I pray that we will experience Your love in the highest measure, that we will know Your burning passion towards us. Thank You Jesus for Your love for us.

Kelry Green