Monday, March 2, 2009

Intimacy restores destiny...

I believe that we are in a time of history that when we look back at it in the pages of eternity we will identify it as a time of a clear shift in human history... As we enter more into the times that Haggai 2:6-9 describes, I believe that even Christians who are not established on Matthew 7, the solid foundation, are going to be shaken with everybody else...
I think the shaking is really God's love and grace over our lives... This time last year I was going through a great time of trial. It was probably the most painful time I have ever had, but now when I look back I'm so grateful for what that time has produced in my heart. Through that season God taught me so much and He has drawn me into a level of intimacy that I've not known before.
He matured me in a lot ways and really brought me back to the center (intimacy).
During the shaking he called me for a year just to be with Him. It was for sure the most foundational year of my life :).
He brought things into order in my life, my time with Him, my husband ( family), friends and then in ministry. He filled me with joy and gave me the greatest gift, a child.
Intimacy with Him has restored my life and my destiny.
In this last year I realize more and more that my primary calling is to pray.
The movement in Brazil is growing so much. It is incredible what God is doing. It is amazing how prayer changes the spiritual atmosphere over cities and nations (Matthew 6:10, Psalm 149).
In 2007 God gave us a vision for reformation in every sphere of society, and He has already opened the doors with the government, education, media and etc... We feel the time is now for putting people in place so they can carrie the mission forward too.
Now with the baby on the way, I want to spend all the time I can at home in prayer, in the word with Trevis and her.
I want to encourage you to give this year to intimacy, and if you are going through a season of fire and shaking, embrace it with humility and you will see beautiful fruit come out of it.
He really knows how to make beauty out of our ashes. We just need to be willing to give Him our ashes.

Love you all,


1 comment:


é tão maravilhoso ver os feitos do Pai em seu interior, verdadeiramente a maravilha de Deus tomou o seu ser. Que Ele te envolva com Suas asas e te faça subir cada vez mais alto. Te amo vc eh um valioso presente que Deus me deu, minha amiga querida.